Media Engagements

How to deal with the peaks and valleys of life

As I write this I’m not long back in New Zealand after taking another unplanned trip back to Ireland. Although it was great to see family, sadly the circumstances weren’t what I would have wished for.

But in life we can’t always choose the outcomes we’re faced with. In these instances we can ask ourselves, “Why did this happen to me?” but, after working through the emotion that often comes with tough times, I prefer to ask, “What now?”


media engagements, Media Engagements
media engagements, Media Engagements

IMHO: Your personal board of directors

In the summer of 1998, about two months after the launch of Netflix, Marc Randolph found himself ill-prepared to pitch for $4m worth of funding from Institutional Venture Partners (IVP). He was even more ill-prepared to answer the questions posed by their analysts over the following days. His figures didn’t add up and he knew it.

However, IVP still agreed to invest the full amount in the little known start-up. This wasn’t due to Randolph’s charming personality or his persuasive slide deck; it came down to one thing. In that room with him was Reed Hastings. Hastings was a known entity in Silicon Valley. He had a track record for making people money and they trusted him. It was for this reason, and this reason alone, that the phrase ‘binge-watching’ has been added to our vernacular.


How to redesign teams for the future

The world of work will never be the same. Despite the lockdown period being well and truly over, many organisations are in constant discussions with their teams about how they’d like to move forward to create a balance between working from home and working from the office.

The important thing to remember is it’s not as straightforward as we might think. Before the lockdown the majority of people were working from the office and working from home, for most people, was only an exception.


Leadership and performance coaching
Leadership and performance coaching

How to remain positive as a sole trader during these turbulent times

There are so many great things to be said about starting your own business and becoming a sole trader or, as I prefer to call it, an army of one!

When I started off back in 2012 a good friend of mine quipped that I can now work half days if I wanted to. All I have to do is decide which half of the day I wanted to work – the first 12 hours, or the second!


How to get your business moving again

Now, more than ever, it’s vital to create a compelling future for your business. Cillín Hearns has a proven strategy to help you achieve that future sooner.

It looks like we’ve turned a corner and it’s highly likely New Zealand will returning back to normal (or as normal as things can get in the current climate!). Now that we’re over the worst of it it’s important to start to look to the future…


Leadership and performance coaching
Leadership and performance coaching

Interview with Carly Flynn

In this day and age it’s easy to become overwhelmed, anxious, and just plain fatigued. There is always so much going on. How can you ensure you’re doing the right things?

During this interview with Carly Flynn we talk about a deceptively simple model called C.O.D.E.S. This model will help you focus on the important things, to maintain productivity and allow you to look after yourself and others.


Prosper – Live Chat

Hello and welcome to Stuff’s live chat with Cillín Hearns, the director of Results Coaching.

He’ll be here from 11am to answer any questions you have about being a leader in business during these testing times and to expand on his CODES model for business leadership.

It’s obviously been a tough time for many businesses of late. What stands out to you the most about the challenges Covid-19 has thrown up?


Leadership and performance coaching
Leadership and performance coaching

Cracking the CODES: A model for cool, calm-headed business leadership

These are challenging times, and they are certainly invoking a lot of different emotions for people. It is important that in business we involve personal wellbeing in our overall crisis management plans.

As we enter the lighter restrictions of level two, many are facing long periods still working from home and some will be picking up the pieces of their…


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