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Our Thoughts on Life and Leadership

Here are some of our thoughts on life and leadership that you might
find useful in helping you expand your horizons in both
your personal life and professional life.

Three steps to getting these vital conversations right every time!

Three steps to getting these vital conversations right every time!

As leaders we often forget how important a feedback conversation is to one of our team. To you and me, giving feedback might seem like a simple straightforward conversation but that couldn’t be further from reality. Even the smallest, seemingly insignificant, feedback can be taken the wrong way.


Seven steps to start building trust with your team

Seven steps to start building trust with your team

Without trust, the chances of building a high performing team are virtually nil. Unfortunately it takes time and effort to build the type of trust in which a team can thrive but there are ways to help speed this along. One approach that I share in my leadership workshops is a simple, yet powerful, expectations exploration exercise. So how does it work?


If only I had more time to get things done…

If only I had more time to get things done…

“If only I had more time to get things done …” If this is a lament you say to yourself more often than not then it’s clear you need a new strategy. I’m not judging because I’ve caught myself saying this more than I care to admit but it got to a point at the beginning of this year when I had enough!

I had all these big goals for the summer that included: […]