The Leader as Coach

Coaching is the Second Most Impactful Leadership Style But is the Least Used

One of the most influential leadership styles is the coaching leadership style. Unfortunately, this style is also the least used. Leaders who don’t understand the importance of this vital skill or don’t know how to use it to its full effect are at risk of losing key staff or being hamstrung by ineffective teams.

Cillín’s coaching has had the most profound impact on my career and me as a person. He’s helped me self introspect at a much deeper level and challenge a lot of beliefs that went unchallenged and were holding me back.

Hady Osman
Development Manager@Xero

Leadership and performance coaching

A coaching culture has a direct impact on the performance of teams. A leader who spends time coaching team members naturally increases engagement, relationships, builds trust, and leads to improved results in every area of performance. A secondary, and often surprising, benefit for the coaching leader is the personal satisfaction of experiencing a deeper connection with each team member as they continue to grow in their role.

Workshop Details


  • Understanding where coaching fits into the leadership toolkit
  • Introduce the core competencies of a coach
  • Implement an effective model for holding a coaching session
  • Develop a range of questions to help guide the coachee to their own solutions
  • Coaching as a conversation
  • Helping the coachee explore their ‘model of the world’


This workshop is for those in existing leadership positions, are moving into a leadership position, or provide mentoring and guidance for other team members. It is also suitable for advisors required to introduce change across an organisation or an industry.

Programme Structure

The Leader as Coach programme is structured in such a way as to ensure maximum learning and skill development. It consists of 3 days of training and 4 group coaching sessions to practice and hone the essential skills of coaching.

Leadership and performance coaching

One of the greatest values of coaches is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination.


~ John C. Maxwell

Need more info?

Contact us we will assist you as soon as possible.

1800 120 034


Need more info?

Contact us and one of our coaches will assist you as soon as possible.

0800 120 034