What do you look for when hiring or selecting the leaders in your organisation or team? A no-brainer of course is that they have the technical skills, that’s a given. But what next? Here’s a list of 10 key leadership characteristics that you should look for when viewing potential leaders*.
1. Positiveness: The ability to work with and see people and situations in a positive way. Not in a Pollyanna type way but choosing to look for the positive in a situation and find the way forward.
2. Servanthood: The willingness to submit, play team ball, and follow the leader. This isn’t to say they should cow-tow to the leaders every whim but they also need to be fully on board once a decision is made.
3. Growth potential: A hunger for personal growth and development; the ability to keep growing as the job expands. Often times as a person grows into a leadership position they need to learn new skills and unlearn old ones that no longer serve them…part of growth is having the ability to let go.
4. Follow-through: The determination to get the job done completely and with consistency. Leaders must deliver…period!
5. Loyalty: The willingness to always put the leader and the organisation above personal desires. There needs to be a balance here but leaders put their teams first.
6. Resiliency: The ability to bounce back when problems arise. This is one of the greatest skills a leader can develop because there will always be set-backs on the way to the top.
7. Integrity: Trustworthiness and solid character; consistent words and consistent walk. You’ve got to walk your talk…always!
8. Big-picture mindset: The ability to see the whole organisation and all of its needs. What’s the impact of your decision making? Do you only focus on your team or the wider organisation…as a leader we need to be doing both.
9. Discipline: The willingness to what is required regardless of personal mood. Similar to point 4 above…you’ve got to deliver!
10. Gratitude: An attitude of thankfulness that becomes a way of life.
If you’d like to take your personal and professional life to the next level please contact us at any time for a free consultation.
* Hat-tip to John C. Maxwell.