Working within a team of diverse individuals can be challenging. It can lead to some members of the team dominating the conversation and others becoming silent, never voicing their opinion or viewpoints because engaging in, what appears to be conflict, is too uncomfortable. Therefore, some of the best ideas will never see the light of day. An agreed team understanding of how we engage in conflict will completely change the dynamic and health of the overall team.
Cillín had run some communication and relationship building exercises for our team, together with our clients. There were many “Aha” moments and personal insights that we gained from the workshops, both about ourselves and about how we relate in business. We have learnt many life lessons from these sessions and have also seen the business value that were directly attributed to it. Cillín is an excellent coach, who applies his art with patience, humour and empathy.
Godfrey Fernandez
Director@Catalyst IT
A team that understands its individual conflict profiles is in a better position to engage in robust and energetic debate that ensures the best ideas come to the surface. Having a shared ‘team conflict philosophy’ makes it clear to all team members the rules of engagement that ensure the conversation remains professional and creates a safe environment in which to hold these important conversations.
This workshop is for individual teams that want to develop a strategy for holding robust conversations to ensure the best ideas come to the surface or to work through an underlying issue.
The Conflict Profiles workshop is a 2 to 4 hour workshop.
“When there is trust, conflict becomes nothing but the pursuit of truth, an attempt to find the best possible answer.”
Contact us we will assist you as soon as possible.
1800 120 034
Results Coaching exists for one purpose, to help you and your team achieve your goals and get the results you strive for. Unleash your potential and live your life to the max.
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