‘This compelling, comprehensive apt-titled book is a must-read for all leaders at any level. Numerous real-life examples and quotable quotes are seamlessly woven with masterful elaborate text in a sequential manner from the start to finish. There is enough arsenal in this book to help you master your own destiny and assist others in doing the same.’ ~ Kosam Nyamdela. MoP, PMP, MBusAn, MBA Strategic Planning.
‘”I have had the pleasure of working with Cillín Hearns in my professional career and I was very excited to read this book. This was an inspirational and helpful book indeed! His approach is very practical and there is something for everyone to take away from this book whether you are dealing with work, colleagues, kids or many other aspects of your personal life. I enjoyed how Cillín was able to relate his personal journey into the books narrative; it showcased his honest and pragmatic approach to life and used real life scenarios to demonstrate methods and ways to improve one’s self. This isn’t a book you would read only once – this is a book that you will hang on to and pull out time and time again. I highly recommend to friends and colleagues alike.’ ~ Mariska Carlson-Smith. General Manager, Velocity.
‘First, Lead Yourself by Cillín Hearns certainly isn’t the stereotypical paint by numbers approach to coaching books. Instead it is full insightful stories of someone I have got to know but didn’t know. A book about how to become extraordinary for the average person. Open, Read, Think.’ ~ Nick Roberts. CEO, Momentum Consulting Group.
‘Our team has been fortunate to experience transformational work with Cillín. Now, with First, Lead Yourself, his self-led development approach mixing stories and exercises is available to everyone.’ ~ Stevo O’Rourke. Director, Ocular.
‘Too often books about leadership jump right in at the high level. Generally the author is a success in his particular sphere of influence and as such anticipates his readership will also be operating at a similar level. Seldom is there a book about leadership that recognises the single most important factor; leadership of self. In First, Lead Yourself Cillín draws from years of experience in the corporate world where his leadership and coaching has assisted many in getting started on their leadership path. His book is a reflection of that graft and journey. Written with unapologetic vulnerability and full of useful, tangible tactics that we can all use to improve or begin our leadership experience, this book is so much more than just a leadership “instruction manual.”’ ~ Stew Darling. Founder of the Lead through Life Programme and stewdarling.com
‘An insightful journey in finding out more about yourself and understanding what is important in your life. Cillín makes this come alive through practical exercises that help to develop your self-understanding and values. One of the many aspects of this guide I like is that once you have read the whole book you can re-read individual chapters that you wish to develop and get an even deeper understanding. A must read for anyone wanting to go through self-development and understanding so that you can better work with, and lead, others.’ ~ Gee Sing Rahi. Customer Engineering Competence Lead, Nokia.